Bible stories of Mid-East Tharu language

1. Creation story | 2. Fall story | 3. Cain and Abel | 4. Noah and flood | 5. Beginning of the Languages | 6. Abraham's Calling | 7. Abraham's Test | 8. Exodus | 9 David Chosen King | 10 David Goliath | 11. prophecy | 12 Jesus Birth | 13. Jesus's Baptism | 14. Twelve Disciples | 15. Jesus's Miracles | 16. Demon Possessed Man | 17. Dead Girl | 18.The Lost Son | 19 Rich Man & Poor Man | 20. Jesus Arrested | 21. Jesus's Death | 22. Jesus Raised | 23. Coming of the God's Spirit | 24. Paul And Jailer | 25. Widow's offering | 26. Zachhaeus | 27. Jesus' Prayer | 28. Philip & the African | 29. The woman at the Well | 30. Ruth Part -1 | 31. Ruth Part -2 | 32. Gideon | 33. The Lord's Supper